Life is a test. We are not present on earth to just exist; we are here to learn. Life is a lesson. Love one another unconditionally. Love thyself unconditionally. We spend our whole lives learning to do this. Some succeed and some never have a clue. I'm trying. Love my fellow man. Don't react and don't always have to be right. This is one I'll have to work on for the rest of my life. Appreciate each day and recognize positive and negative as a part of life's experiences. Look around me and see life at it's best. The joys of living come as you strive to achieve your dreams. Its the quality of each day that is important, not the distant dream once achieved. Teach and nurture my children. You can never give them too much love. -Randa Jex 1/1/94
Wednesday, December 29
Friday, December 24

Expected Due Date: July 15, 2011
Next Dr. Appointment: January 19
Maternity Clothes: Not yet
Gender: We will find out in 8 weeks
Sickness: I wish I could post the same thing I did 2 weeks ago but unfortunately I got my fair share of sickness...I have been flat on my back sick this week. Nauseated every evening around 8...then the past few days hourly sickness through the entire night accompanied that. Dr. prescribed Phenegran and that has helped the past 2 nights but I still feel very uneasy. Dr. said he thinks this will subside in Tri2...2 more weeks!
Workout: Working out 3-4 times a week with the exception of this week and being so sick.
Sleep: Really hard to fall asleep because of the nausea however most nights I sleep through the night.
Pregnancy Highlights: Genuine Sympathy-- when I was sick I got so many kind words and messages from other woman who had been there, encouraging me and letting me know about their pregnancies. One of my friends even brought me (all the way from TN when visiting for the holidays) a few boxes of nausea decreasing candy and chews that worked for her. Women, and MEN, have been so understanding and thoughtful.
Friday, December 17
2 Steps forward, one step back...
1) Disassemble bunk beds in back bedroom
2) Disassemble queen bed in 3rd bedroom (aka nursery)
3) Put one of bunk beds in attic and reassemble the other one in the 3rd bedroom (aka nursery).
4) Reassemble queen bed in back bedroom
5) Get rocking horse out of attic that Zach's dad hand made in college
Well everything was going great and beds were getting moved, rocking horse came down (and may I say it is the cutest thing I have ever seen)....and then
BAAM... [insert Zach's scream].
I ran into the hallway from the back bedroom and screamed up into the attic..."Zach are you okay" and then from the attic I hear Kellen say...."ohhhhhhhh s*it". I slowly walk into the nursery hoping not to see what I am expecting to see and sure enough...2 long legs hanging from the ceiling, braced only by one crossbeam that caught Zach at the knee and was preventing him from falling another 13 feet to the floor. I can't go into detail about the next few minutes because I think my body blocked it out for the babies sake. All I know is Kellen helped hoist him up from the hole without managing to fall through with him and I was so relieved. Zach came down with a sore neck but no scrapes or bruises (yet) and no broken bones...again all thanks to that one little crossbeam that prevented the major SPLAT. As soon as we realized he was okay I just wanted to punch him for being careless because I need him for a very long time and so does this is not the time to go hurting himself. But I realized it wasn't his fault...we was after all carrying a huge bed frame in a dark attic. So I guess you can say Zach escaped death yet again.... now we just have to get a sheetrocker over here the week of Christmas...right! I know it may seem silly but today made be so grateful it was not worse and it made me feel so thankful for a healthy husband to "carry" half of my load in life, I don't know what I would do without that guy!

Tuesday, December 14
Week 9 Bump Update
I'm 9 weeks, 4 days! (1st Trimester)
Expected Due Date: July 15, 2011
Next Dr. Appointment: December 22...second sonogram!
Maternity Clothes: Not needed yet however I just grabbed a loot from the Gap on Cyber-Monday just in case the bump creeps up on me. Oh and I got a maternity swimsuit at Target because it was on sale and I fully intend to be a 8-9 mo. pregnant beached whale in a pool most of next summer. Also my friends Laura and Kim are loaning me some maternity clothes because they rock!
Gender: Won't know until February. A friend here is planning a gender-reveal party so you are all invited! We want to find out at the same time our family does! I think it's a boy but I am slightly hoping for a girl so she can borrow her cousin Elle's is slightly insane and fabulous! Lisha went from hoarding markers and paint pens in college to hoarding adorable baby girl clothes as a mom.
Sickness: None...yet. Thank God!!! I am a pitiful sick person! I don't always feel so fabulous right before I go to bed but wake up feeling normal. Zach said God gave me the short stick on vision and hearing so the least he could do is give me a great pregnancy.
Workout: Working out 3-4 times a week. Still doing Turbo Kick but at a much lower intensity than I used to. Would love to still be running but it is way too cold outside!
Sleep: Like a log as always. I am grateful for every night it stays like this because I know the day is coming soon where sleep is hard to come by.
Pregnancy Highlights: It's been great so far, if all of my pregnancies are like this I might have 10 kids. Loving how quickly my hair is growing and it is thicker than usual! You have to understand, I was born with the thinnest, finest hair so this is a huge perk for me!
Sometimes I miss Dr. Pepper and Sweet Tea, I gave up caffeine altogether. The other night at a party someone brought milk favorite holiday adult beverage and it was killing me that I could not have it.
Saturday, December 11
Happy 30th Zach!

Outpouring of Love!

So like I said, thank you again for all the well wishes and love these last few weeks! We feel so blessed and know baby J is going to be so loved!
Saturday, December 4
It's Baby Time!

We are so excited to finally be able to let the cat out of the bag and shout from the mountain tops...."WE'RE HAVING A BABY". I still can't believe it since I have not had too many symptoms (crossing my fingers and knocking on wood it stays that way), but it became a reality to us 2 weeks ago we had our first sonogram and the little bambino looks great. Heart beat was strong-117 BPM (I guess that is the reason I become winded just walking upstairs) and the little bean was measuring exactly (to the day) the estimated age. We are just over 8 weeks now and the sweet pea is due on July 15, 2011. So stay tuned for more exciting news as Baby J progresses and YES we are finding out the gender for all of my crazy family members who think we should wait and let it be a surprise...haha riggggght. In case you forgot, I am Mrs. Planner/decorator/mapper outter/ monogrammer/picture painter/nursery dreamer upper....I have a folder on my desktop full of nursery ideas I came across over the past year or so. There is no way this baby will enter this world with a bedroom that is anything less than inspiring, stimulating, and totally dreamlike...or at least that is what I am envisioning :)
Tuesday, November 23
Ole Miss/LSU Weekend and more

The next day we tailgated with friends and then headed to Superior Grill to meet up with the entire Richardson clan and the Luphers. Elle had a ball showing off all her signs and tricks to Uncle Zach. She is a doll!!
Tuesday, November 9
Great minds think alike!
Master Re-Decorate

Well about a month ago I redecorated our master bedroom and I am just now getting around to posting pictures. I also have new bedding on order but I will have to show that after it arrives. The reason behind this redo is because 1) Zach said he felt like we lived in a cell block. The gray/blue color we loved a year and a half ago was just not exuding the warmth and charm you want in a sunny master bedroom. And 2) we had to get some Drapes, there is just too much sun pouring into those 10 ft windows on Saturday mornings when you are trying to sleep late.
So to combat dilemma #1 I asked Zach if he would bear with me on the color if I brought in accessories and drapes that livened it up. So as you can tell, I killed 2 birds with one stone...DRAPES!
The color pallet I used is navy, white, mustard yellow and gray/blue. The walls are much more gray and less blue in person. Some of these pictures make them look periwinkle but they are really more of a steel blue in person. The new bedding I ordered is all white with lots of different textures and quilting. I had to show off the Bolster pillow mom made me- gray/blue giraffe print with yellow piping to match the drapes. I sewed the drapes and all of the blue and white thick striped pillows. I love that nautical/beachy look of the blue and white stripes. Some mornings I pretend I am laying in a cabana in the Caribbean...haha just kidding but it sounds nice, right?
I was so nervous when I brought home 76 feet of bold mustard yellow damask fabric but I figured GO BOLD or GO HOME! So I did and we love the way it looks! In the mornings when the drapes are closed and the sun is hitting them it makes the room the most beautiful golden color. It is go cozy!!! I have a new design in the works (mentally) for one of our guest bedrooms and I am begging Zach to let me do it as my Christmas present (he is a smart man and I think he is starting to realize that although I am Frugal Francie it will be a more expensive endeavor than our usual Christmas gifts). The room has exposed brick on one wall and I thinking of doing a "New Orleans loft" design- very warm colors, textures, and urban elements! But until I get the green light I will just continue dreaming......

Friday, November 5
Meal 184.... Cajun Chicken Pasta (courtesy of the Square Table Cookbook...all recipes from Oxford, MS) In case you didn't read my post a few weeks ago, I am on a quest to cook for 200 out of the next 365 days. Counting backward from 200 I am currently on 184! This week consisted of Homemade Chili and Cornbread, Grilled Chicken with Broccoli and Edemame, King Ranch Chicken Casserole, Breakfast for Dinner, and Cajun Chicken Pasta! We were on a major comfort food kick since the weather has gotten pretty chilly!
Cajun Pasta is one of Zach's favorites so I changed it up a bit and instead of using shrimp since we didn't have any fresh shrimp I used chicken. It was an awesome dish...spicy enough for big Z but not too spicy for me. I also made some garlic flatbread with Olive Oil Dipping Sauces. My Aunt Lynette gave us a Olive Oil Dipping set from William Sonoma when she came and stayed with us in September. I have been dying to try it- Pesto and Parmesan...Pesto was our favorite! Thanks Nette! They were so yummy!
I'm headed upstairs to the studio...Garland and Glitz is in less then 2 weeks and I have a lot of painting and creating to do! As you can tell by all of my supplies that will all be transformed into Christmas gifts by the 18th! Stay tuned...this weekend will consist of paint, sewing machine, embroidery machine, and a whole lotta red bull!
Friday, October 29
Fall has FINALLY begun!
I walked outside last night and the cool air and the "smell of fall" hit me like a ton of bricks! I love this weather and I love the way it makes you feel.... Like holidays are right around the corner and it inspires me to make yummy meal and snuggle up on the couch! This week to honor our Ole Miss Rebels ... we did a little pumpkin decorating! We are headed to Oxford in t-minus 5 hours to cheer on the REBELS as they take on the undefeated Auburn Tigers. Let's hope the scantily clad sorority-girl Halloween costumes are scarier than the way we play! Like we always say, we might not win every game (or any at all) but we never loose a party!
Here is last week's Pumpkin Chili...YUMMMMMY!!! (Compliments of the wonderful chef Regina Charboneau) We served it with a spread of Fajitas and all the fixings for our church small group gathering at our house Sunday and dinner was fabulous if I do say so myself. But then again who can mess up meat, tortillas, and a mother load of queso?!?!
Monday, October 11
Dinner Success!! Day 1 of 200...

The Latest for Wyatt's Torch
For those of you asking, why the name Wyatt's Torch? In Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged one of her heroes, Ellis Wyatt, defiantly blows up his oilfield rather than surrender his business to a government edict. One well couldn't be extinguished, creating Wyatt’s Torch that served as a symbol for the flame of individuality and reason. I think Zach chose wisely!
Also GameDay Map is moving right along. They submitted the app to Apple last week so they are waiting on approval and the app will most likely launch at the Auburn- Ole Miss Game on Halloween weekend!
Wednesday, September 29
Winner winner Chicken Dinner
Chicken Pot Pie. My friend The Barefoot Contessa knows how to do it.
Wednesday, September 22
Cory and Alicia
Did you ever pray for something for so long that you can't really believe your eyes when it comes to fruition. Well for the last few years I have been praying for my amazing brother to meet a woman that would not only love him and treat him well but also allow him to be his adventurous self and encourage him to become the best man and marine he can be. There are so many important components to a relationship but in my last 2 years of marriage I have learned so much about love that I never knew before. I learned that for me, since I often lack confidence, having someone that is my biggest fan and is always pushing me to be better than I thought I could, stronger than I knew possible, dream bigger than my conservative mind allowed, achieve professional goals I never realized existed and someone that is constantly reminding me that I am loved, appreciated, and that I should love myself. Once I knew that feeling...I prayed for Cory to find it too. I wanted someone to come into his life and make him aware of the wonderful qualities we see in him....I wanted someone there everyday pushing him and enjoying life with him.
Well God (as always) answered my prayers in so many ways. Not only did Alicia walk into his life, but in a matter of one year she turned the world as he knew it upside-down. She is amazing and I am so excited that I get to call her a sister. Alicia has a calm and collected quality about her...she is a nurturer, an optimist, and her fun loving nature is the perfect compliment for Cory. We just got some great news that her kids were going to be able to come to the wedding after originally thinking this was not a possibility. But thanks to months of perseverance by Cory and Alicia, many prayers, and an awesome judge (to whom I want to send chocolates, cookies and heck maybe even my first born)...the kids are coming and we could not be more excited! Only a few more hours of work and then I am headed to Natchez and tonight I will be meeting my little nieces and nephews for the first time!
I know I only tend to get on here and blog when we are going on vacation and my friend Laura recently told me I'm gonna lose my blogging privileges if I don't blog here you go! You asked for is a recap of my boring weekend:

Thursday, August 12
The. contract. is. signed.
Yes, you heard it right, I signed on the dotted line Thursday and sold GamedayMap to a conglomeration of players who got together specifically for this project.
I gave up all ownership rights for a perpetual (for all you non-lawyers, that means "forever") royalty based on gross revenues. They have already begun transferring the source code, have an investor and advertisers lined up, and are meeting with new groups about new technological ideas (360 degree cameras, cell phone boosters in the grove, something to do with Google Earth, etc). I feel relatively confident that GamedayMap is gong to be pretty successful. They want to have a beta iPhone app out much sooner than originally anticipated (think late Sept/early October).
All in all, pretty sweet!
Friday, August 6
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger

Wednesday, July 14
It's not a phase, it's a lifestyle....
And on to some big news!!! Zach had an in-person meeting here in Natchez with one of the Directors for the Mississippi Technology Alliance and a conference call with their Entrepreneurial Team in Jackson about Gameday Map. They have been helping him flesh out options regarding further development and most importantly deciding on a revenue model. The MTA then put him in touch with Dream Logic, a young company in Jackson, MS who develops web applications along with iPhone and Droid applications. They are experienced enough to work with large companies in Jackson but young enough to know what Gameday Map needs. Then they pitched it to another company in Jackson and received and unbelievable response. They want to partner with Wyatt's Torch, Zach's LLC, and aid in development and marketing of the product! They plan to come to Natchez to present Zach with the plans and if we decide to move forward they would like to have something to market by Football season...WHOA! We were elated to hear it could be a real possibility to see it become an iPhone app and android app sometime this year. All this good news came to us last week on our way to Oxford, ironically enough.
I hope this is somewhat of an excuse or explanation as to why I had such a long blog-cation. I remember the days when summer meant sleeping late, relaxing, swimming, and occasional errand here or there. Instead, our days seem to be go-go-go from the moment our head leaves the pillow until the moment it returns.
One final note: While we were in Oxford this weekend for a wedding, a law school friend of Zach's told me she keeps up with us on facebook and was wondering exactly how many businesses we work for and/or have started between the two of us. So I counted them up and the answer.....7.
Wedding Planning!
Wedding planning is underway for my brother and my awesome new sister-in-law. Alicia and her mom came down to Natchez in June to visit and we had the best time getting to know them better! After the visit I am even more excited that she will be joining the family! We had such a productive weekend and nailed down the dress, band, venue, menu, flowers, cake, rehearsal dinner, bridal brunch, and all the little details in between. I was so proud of my dad for tagging along and being such a good sport even during all the girly stuff! We are so excited to have Country Fried out of New Orleans coming to play for the reception. They cover Johnny cash, Willie, etc...could there be a better fit for my brother?
We couldn't let them leave without a trip to Mammy's Cupboard for a yummy lunch and Pig Out Inn for some southern BBQ!
Jackson's Arrival, June 16, 2010
You are probably thinking right about now that I am numerically challenged and cannot count. Although I am challenged by many things in life, counting is not one of them...I count how many minutes are left until 5pm on almost a daily basis!
Let me fill you in on my numbers
One best friend is in a serious relationship
Two best friends are engaged
Four best friends are married
Three best friends now have babies! And may I say Elle, Hunter, and Jackson are the cutest babies ever..besides my niece of course!! (can't deny those Jexes have good genes!)
Seven best friends are about 7 times more blessings than I girl could ever ask for!!

So congratulations to Laura and Matt on the arrival of Jackson on 6-16-10. As soon as I heard Laura had him I jumped into the car and headed to Jackson to see Jackson. He is so teeny tiny. I guess I am not around babies enough to appreciate how small and perfect every little detail is from their tiny little fingernails to the legs the size of a single Twix. He is so cute and I have actually had the pleasure of meeting him on his birthday and a few weeks later. He looked a tad bigger but his legs were still the cutest little Twix bars I have ever seen. I am really looking forward to living in Jackson for the next 3 months so that I can get to know little peanut even better! Although I think he has already warmed up to Aunt Shay because the 2nd time I visited, he blew out his diaper right in front of me like I was part of the family!