Life is a test. We are not present on earth to just exist; we are here to learn. Life is a lesson. Love one another unconditionally. Love thyself unconditionally. We spend our whole lives learning to do this. Some succeed and some never have a clue. I'm trying. Love my fellow man. Don't react and don't always have to be right. This is one I'll have to work on for the rest of my life. Appreciate each day and recognize positive and negative as a part of life's experiences. Look around me and see life at it's best. The joys of living come as you strive to achieve your dreams. Its the quality of each day that is important, not the distant dream once achieved. Teach and nurture my children. You can never give them too much love. -Randa Jex 1/1/94

Wednesday, September 7

I think I can…I think I can….

Bye Bye to the days of being home with Austin! :(

I think I can…I think I can….No I am not reading Austin the Thomas the Train book, I am trying to convince myself that I can make it another day at work. The work part is not bad at all in fact it was very refreshing to be back in my office in front of my Outlook calendar, my email and not to mention adult interaction throughout the day. The downside of being at work 8 hours a day is being at work 8 hours a day. That is 8 hours less I get to spend with our little man, strolling on the river, grocery shopping, napping, working out, showering, watching the Nate Show…you know, all the really important daily events I had become accustomed to as a temporary stay at home mom. It was the most gorgeous day yesterday and I had every intention of leaving the office, putting that sweet boy in the BOB and going for a jog after work. Yeah, not so much. I spent the majority of the evening fighting my eyelids and after dinner I lost the battle and actually fell asleep with my head on the Boppy next to Austin…how pitiful. Daddy daycare quickly assessed the scene and realized after my first long day at work I was not allowed to operate heavy machinery or take care of Austin.

So here is hoping that today is a little better as far as my energy level goes. I guess those occasional cat naps that Austin and I were taking over the past 2 months were helping me compensate for the lack of sleep. For the record I love my job and love being part of the work force however I have never envied stay at home moms more. I’m not gonna lie, it is a tough, non-stop job but it was the most rewarding and special 7 weeks that I got to spend with my son.

Here is Austin and “Grandma” {name still TBD} on their first day together. Notice Austin as he practices his snap and point followed by a smile and a “how you doin?”

One last thing, let me tell you about my fabulous daycare: Grandma and Papa Daycare! We originally were going to have Austin in Daycare 3 days and stay with my mom 2 days but the daycare we want is full so we are on the waiting list hoping for a spot. Until then, my parents are getting to spend a lot of quality time loving on Austin and I couldn't be more excited that it worked out the way it did because they get to experience his morning energy high, his heart-melting smiles and they get to see his little personality develop more and more each day. I feel so blessed to have them here with us watching Austin grow-up.

Here of some shots of him at "daycare":

I arrived to this sweet sign on the back gate of Mom and Dad’s house yesterday!

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