1. I have worn heels for 10+ years now- in college I wore them on a daily basis for hours on end and the past 7 years working I think I might have worn flats 5x. Why is it that at 4 months pregnant I feel like they are foreign torture devices? I was even wearing some of my more-comfortable-uncomfortable-formal heels. I felt like a circus act...come watch the 400lb gorilla stuff it's paws into 2 cotton candy cones and attempt to walk the tight rope. It was terrible. After complainging to other empathetic pregnant girls at the ball there were 2 theories we came up with a) our center of gravity is off making the normal heel wearing process awkward and uncomfortable, and b) the added weight makes a difference (I was somewhat skeptical of this theory since I have only gained 3 lbs and I weighed more than this at some points college).
2. Why do the general masses{old and young, male and female, pregnant and not pregnant} feel the need to extend their arm, flatten their palm, and proceed to rub my stomach. Going back to college...I had a bigger pooch during some points in college (thanks to Phi Mu house food and "Willie Burger day"). This is not okay. If you are reading this and you are my mom, dad, grandmother, aunt, best friend, or husband you are exempt. Basically if you have seen me in my bra at some point in life...go right ahead...rub away. But if you are some random 60 yr old man that I go to church with keep your hands to yourself. I am in my 17th week.... there is really nothing to see unless I am in head-to-toe spandex (haha fat chance).... and do you really know what you are grabbing for? I didn't think so. I have some body parts that are larger and lower than ever and you might get a little surprise if you think you are grabbing tummy. Just sayin'....watch yourself buddy. I might start rubbing back.
So there you have it...24 hours in the life of a pregnant woman. But you know, I can totally tolerate any and all of these little side-effects of pregnancy...because my body is MAKING A PERSON, what did your body do Saturday??