Chicken Pot Pie. My friend The Barefoot Contessa knows how to do it.
Life is a test. We are not present on earth to just exist; we are here to learn. Life is a lesson. Love one another unconditionally. Love thyself unconditionally. We spend our whole lives learning to do this. Some succeed and some never have a clue. I'm trying. Love my fellow man. Don't react and don't always have to be right. This is one I'll have to work on for the rest of my life. Appreciate each day and recognize positive and negative as a part of life's experiences. Look around me and see life at it's best. The joys of living come as you strive to achieve your dreams. Its the quality of each day that is important, not the distant dream once achieved. Teach and nurture my children. You can never give them too much love. -Randa Jex 1/1/94
Wednesday, September 29
Winner winner Chicken Dinner
Chicken Pot Pie. My friend The Barefoot Contessa knows how to do it.
Wednesday, September 22
Cory and Alicia
Did you ever pray for something for so long that you can't really believe your eyes when it comes to fruition. Well for the last few years I have been praying for my amazing brother to meet a woman that would not only love him and treat him well but also allow him to be his adventurous self and encourage him to become the best man and marine he can be. There are so many important components to a relationship but in my last 2 years of marriage I have learned so much about love that I never knew before. I learned that for me, since I often lack confidence, having someone that is my biggest fan and is always pushing me to be better than I thought I could, stronger than I knew possible, dream bigger than my conservative mind allowed, achieve professional goals I never realized existed and someone that is constantly reminding me that I am loved, appreciated, and that I should love myself. Once I knew that feeling...I prayed for Cory to find it too. I wanted someone to come into his life and make him aware of the wonderful qualities we see in him....I wanted someone there everyday pushing him and enjoying life with him.
Well God (as always) answered my prayers in so many ways. Not only did Alicia walk into his life, but in a matter of one year she turned the world as he knew it upside-down. She is amazing and I am so excited that I get to call her a sister. Alicia has a calm and collected quality about her...she is a nurturer, an optimist, and her fun loving nature is the perfect compliment for Cory. We just got some great news that her kids were going to be able to come to the wedding after originally thinking this was not a possibility. But thanks to months of perseverance by Cory and Alicia, many prayers, and an awesome judge (to whom I want to send chocolates, cookies and heck maybe even my first born)...the kids are coming and we could not be more excited! Only a few more hours of work and then I am headed to Natchez and tonight I will be meeting my little nieces and nephews for the first time!
I know I only tend to get on here and blog when we are going on vacation and my friend Laura recently told me I'm gonna lose my blogging privileges if I don't blog here you go! You asked for is a recap of my boring weekend: